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About the Chamber

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bulgaria-Korea (CCIBK) was established in 2014, under Bulgarian Law, as a non-governmental and non-profit organization and has its headquarters in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Chamber’s mission is to foster the trade and economic cooperation and synergies between Bulgarian and Korean businesses, to guarantee the economic interests of its members, and to ensure their representation in the relations with public and private entities. CCIBK is the first legally established mixed Chamber in Bulgaria, involving trade and economic relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Korea.

The CCIBK's members benefit from a large palette of services and are involved in fruitful activities led by the Chamber, including the participation in business meetings and seminars, information on joint project opportunities, business, legal and market consultation services, EU-Korea FTA follow-up and more.

Services & Activities
Exchange and Cooperation
  • Round tables, seminars, workshops

  • Business meetings

  • EU-Korea FTA Follow-Up

  • Networking events​

  • Consultation services​

  • Translation services

  • Vocational training

  • Publications

  • Information centres

  • Market information

  • Project opportunities​

  • News updates

  • Company advertisement


Contact Point

Thank you for contacting us!

​© Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bulgaria-Korea

2014-2021. All Rights Reserved

Contact details


T. +359 (0) 2 903 34 37

Postal address:

Adriana Budevska Street, 17

Sofia 1463, Bulgaria




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